ruhhhhh, hello. i always start off the same don't i? i don't know. excuse me for my un-creativity. askdsjgf.
my brain and my body are still very much in holiday mood, which kinda sucks. for the past school days i've had 6 alarms on from 6.15, snoozing all the way to 8am. and sometimes i still don't wake up lol :(. after a whole month of no school, i got so used to doing nothing hahah. so i'm already behind on my homework LOL.
but oh well. watch me fail HSC :). it's not really a priority in my head atm, probably the last thing i care about. after getting ap3 results back, nothing really changed hah. everyone was either depressed, motivated to work, or super happy. i was average. i was duper happy about english and jap, but then pe and chem dragged it down again hah. i should've cared more about pe LOL.
anyway, i'll stop talking about school. it's really boring atm.
so, NBA PLAYOFFFFS! woop. lakers and okc are on 2-2 lead!! YES, that means oklahoma still has a chance of winning :DDD ! cavaliers are up 3-1 to bulls, so yeah they're gonna win :) yay! but denver are doing pretty crappy against utah, boo.
oh OneHD, why are you so gay? must you air stupid golf matches and college basketball while NBA PLAYOFFS ARE ON!? gosh, you suck so much. and when they ARE on, it's always during school :(
ohyes! ANZAC long weekend yay. wait, something's up. i'll finish this later. tata:)
oh wow, it has been a while hasn't it, Sheldon? hahahaha. to be honest, i haven't missed you. sorry. i've had much better things to do than let my fingers dance on my keyboard, regurgitating things out of my dodgy memory.
how are you, adelaide? i actually miss you a bit. it was a good week aye? somewhat better than my previous visits hah. i sound so gay. but! tiger airways was nice to me the trip home on tuesday night. oh, this is my veryfail photo of sydney. the seatbelt sign was on as we were descending and electronic devices weren't supposed to be used, so i felt ninja taking this HAHAHAH. try find the harbour bridge.
okay! let me think what happened this past week. after wednesday and thursday i got so sick of the house. gurhhhh - even though i hadn't been home in a while. teddy bears picnic with farmers got cancelled and i never got to see you guys this holidays! ): boooo, lol.
friday! didn't do that much. went to library to fail study again. within 4 hours i did the most i've done the whole holidays. which was half a page of chemistry questions. LOLFAIL! the library was practically consumed with year 11's.. cause they have AP1's now eh. so, we didn't really do much :)
ran over to towers to watch a movie with church kiddies! 'She's out of my league' HAH! yay, i felt like i was baby sitting HAHAHAH. but it was so fail because of ID's and gay cinema people.
JAM NIGHTTT at youth! lol. like literally JAM. and the other jam - unplugged :). our team kinda failed at the game, having three and half JAM&honey sandwiches left over while the other teams finished their whole loaf. hahahah, and jammed a bit too.
saturday; was kinda, extremely random. left early in the morning for a drive to the city. we went on a cruise! yay. for oscar's 21st :). it was like a lunch buffet around the harbour. we devoured the seafood entrees like crazy, even eating 2 other plates that the others didn't eat hahahah! cause we're true asians. and i tried an oyster. OHMYFRIDGE, IT'S SO HORRIBLE TO CHEW. and tastes pretty chatskfjdhfgkjdhfgkjh. worst experience :(. but prawns, white wine, mussels, fish, BEST tiramisu made up for it :D. maybe a tad too much white wine for some, LOL. but it was hard to tell if you were drunk cause the boat was already swaying so much hah.
sunday! oh how i missed our thornleigh building. lol, i don't know why - it just feels so.. homey. went to hornsby after the service to watch kick-ass! hahaha, mad movie. didn't do much else. BUT, walked over to katnat's to see my GOD-CHILDREN LOL! frankie and nala :) who are dogs, hahahaha. they are fridging so skdjfhdgadorable!
& went yumcha today at parra, yeah. :)
so, that's practically our last holiday until the end of hsc. we'll all be nerding it up next holidays studying for TRIALS. which is in THIRTEEN WEEKSaskdjghdfg, not very far away :(. and the holidays after that, obviously for the actual hsc. how exciting.
so, back to school tomorrow! i haven't had actual school for about 5 weeks. biggest challenge is waking up before 12. so mixed feelings i guess. i don't know why but i look forward to english! i finished Frankenstein today, it's such a good read. but then we're also getting our marks back from AP3 exams. ah, i don't know. let's just hope i can be happy with anything, if not, you can kick me. :)
hm yeah, that's about it. i still hadn't change the time on the iPod dock on my desk for daylight saving, so i feel like i'm ahead of the rest of the world by an hour :).
mother's coming in town again soon! shall be fun.
OHYEAHHHHHHHH how could i forget. NBA PLAYOOFFFSSS YES!! cavs are versing bulls first up, but that's gonna be easy win :) hahaha. i don't like how lakers are versing OKC, that just sucks. if oklahoma won ONE more game, they would've been like 5th, not 8th. but at least they made playoffs. durant is frgn gun. cleveland are going to take it this year. foreals.
still coming soon!! coffee date, HCAC sports day hah, bowling night, band session at new church, hcac basketball game?lol, BBQ. yay!
OHOHOHOHOH, this gets me so excited. ABDC had a special episode where the champions of all 5 seasons danced for charity! SO EPIC.
hullo Quest. i love you. :)
poreotix for season 5 yay!
and Jabba's are just classic :)
yeah, i don't really care about season 2 or season 4 winners lol.
you give me a reason to live everyday, and i thank you for that. thanks for sticking with me throughout ANYthing and EVERYthing. you're amazing :)
asdhhhhhhhhsakdjwuuu. ! i can't be bothered to blog. coz blogging requires thinking and digging things out of my brain that i don't really recall. but i'll try :D
easter weekend & beginning of holidays have been so crazy ! so i think i left off at thursday? hah. ladies night at kris's, yay :) it's awesome that we can just talk about anything even though we don't talk that much at school loolll. t'was fun. i don't remember much, but yeah. haha
easter fridayyy; baptism service!! oh it was fun. crazyrandom photos, stacks on (?), purple robes, singing the same chorus of that one song over and over, EASTER, yeah - pretty awesome! then headed over to have lunchers, haha that was fun too. THEN HOTPOT NIGHT LOL!! oh man, that was fun. whiny voice, church kiddies, speed datingLOL, hot pot!!, other things.. yeah. you kids are fun to be with :)
saturday, WEDDING! yayay i love weddings. i don't know why, i just do. it was very fun :). boys SUITed UP ;), girls in pretty dressesLOL, food, catching the bouquet HAHAHAH, a gazillion photos, food etc. it was raining before the wedding in the morningish, but as soon as they got married it was all sunny haha ! i love weddings. then went to city for the dinner. LOL, so much stuff happened. red wine, LOVEE SONGG, food, photos, drunk people, random games etc. haha, and we went to the dessert house afterwards ! :) got home pretty late hm.
SUNDAY mornin' rain is falliin' ! yeah, it was raining. i can't remember that much of this day. so went to church service as usual, had lunch etc. OH YEAH, we went to back to city at night for K. ahahaha it was funny. we ordered like frgn $400+ worth of jap food. crazy honkies. hm, then ran around the city just to get chatime at like 12am lol. yeah, it was fun :)))
monday was snooze day! yay. finally had a day to sleep in, it'd been quite crazy. went to jo's at night haha. ohman, the hills have eyes 2 (?) and the uninvited.. are really stupid movies. LOL! the hills one is pretty funny, but stupid. ahha, t'was fun :) got home EXACTLY at 12, i felt like cinderella HAHAHAHAHHAHA no.
tuesday; flying day! oh my gosh, i have so much to rage about. stupid TIGER AIRWAYS delayed our flight for like, 2-3 hours. ohh man. so i sat at the airport for 4 hours playing doodle jump on my phone. that's right, italian doodle jump ;). the rest was boring.
OKAY that's all for now. i really can't be bothered. it took me like an hour to type up each little bit LOL!! back to prison breaking :)
photos soon, maybe. if i can be bothered. i can't even be bothered to put up youtube videos lol.
but still to come!! shoe shopping day, teddy bears picnic with farmers ♥, sleepover, coffee date and probably more :) i love holidays.
these past few days i don't think i've been spending time with you as much :( i'm sorry. it's been crazy, but i know that's not an excuse. thankyou, for so many things. everyday should be like an easter day, as we acknowledge your amazing love for us and live out the way you want us the live daily. yeee! thankyousosomuch. for everythinggggggsdkjfh! nothing but Your blood cleanses us, and bridges us to the Father. :)
i can't be bothered to blog. t'has been a while, i have the sneezles :(. but only for a while.
hm. holidays have been awesome :) since last tuesday, practically!
tuesday - sunday was just, exam recovery period haha. prison breaking, late nights, snooze til noon, pj days. so comfortable. then a random pe exam on monday, which required like one whole night's study lol. D:
HOLIDAYS BEGIN! (since a while ago)
that sounds really gay, hm. well the past two days have been quite epic, hah!
tuesday; i finally saw alice in wonderland!! yay, it was awesome. i liked the red queen's big head, hahah. 3D glasses, pretzels, QQ (looooooolll), lego, power ranger tooth brush, mini kiddie tricycles, hobo clothes, gingerbread man and ultimate noobness made my day :) then went to eastwood, walking around the whole place twice.. for an hour on the phone. lol.
wednesday; city! with the loser i'm going to grow old with. it was quite the awesome, hah. jane took me on a tour of her uni! LOL it's such a hole :/ and all these weird people stare at you. people start randomly talking to you. but once they find out you're in year 12, they're like DDD: yeah it was weird - going to uni during school hours, lol.
and epic shopping !! :) yeah it was awesome. hah. jacket + top + beanie + food + chatime!yay + cardigan + other things = i don't know. hahahah.