i don't know why but there's a hyperlink when i typed that.
but hello :) it seems like i havn't blogged for a while, but i just blogged two days ago. how weird.
i just had a massive mind blank.............
oh yes. haha. today was the last day of school for year 12s! everyone was running around with their shirts and old junior potato sacks for people to sign. -- OH and there was a massive domo-kun! i thought that was pretty kool. :) -- and to think that in one year, we'd be the ones egging the school, taking a gazillion byebye photos and drawing all over each other. ZOMG NOOOOO, i don't want to grow up :( !
i can't believe how frgn fast time flies. like zoooom. there goes your easy breezy junior life. (YES! no more potato sack).. then ZOOM there goes your 3 terms of year 11, not so easy breezy. but now i don't really want to zoom anymore.. slow-mo would be nice for a change. actually, no. zoom past year 12 might be the better option in this case. booo.
speaking of year11/12, i thought it was against the board of studies to start learning year 12 stuff before the 2nd week of term 4? well, it probably is. but we're already starting the year 12 course in PE.. which is pretty weird. and we just sit through other classes looking for ways to kill time. even during my potential free period ! but i'm looking forward to having REAL free periods next term/year, yayy. even though i'd be having morning and lunchtime classes for extentions. wow, that's really bad spelling. extensions* LOL.
HAHA, i got my physics exam back today. to be honest, i think i did pretty well for knowing absolutely nothing :) except in multiple choice. ONLY 2 OUT OF 15 ANSWERS WERE B ? REALLY ?! how dodgy. so i only got 2 for multiple choice :(. and there were 7 D's. DAMNITT, i should've chose D's instead, D for Dorothy hah. so yeah, i kinda lost. there were 3 A's and 3 C's, lol. the rest of the paper was funny. i actually beat some people who actually studied for the exam, HAHAHAHA. 30% yessss! and it turns out that i didn't write 100 ohms in that question (previous blog). i wrote 120 ohms. BUT THE CORRECT ANSWER was 100 ohms. WTH LOL. i found that funny. the teacher told me off for the non serious attempt though, but ohwell. byebye physics :D it was fun while it lasted.
yes, and something completely unrelated to school. (finally?lol). i cut my own hair.
after ! zomg D:
good move? bad move?
haha, i'm kidding. that's just my pro photoshopping ;)
but my brain's in comtemplating mood again! whether to cut my hair short or not. and if i do, before or after social? gahhhh, i don't know what to do. everyone who's cut their hair short say they regret it? D:
i'm kinda sick of my hair though. and i have a crazy bunch of split ends for some reason. i don't even straighten it a lot!
i'm really bored. sdhfsdfgaksjd.
there's nothing i'd rather dooo
coz i'm over the moon, for youu
- jesse barrera is quite the awesome (Y)
so is aj (:
sometimes i can just go on forever about how my day was, how my life is, how much i complain.. but then i wouldn't know what to say to you, or what to type here. there is just too much!
god, you're so amazing. i can't find enough words to describe how you are (maybe because of my lack of vocabulary.. but that's besides the point), so i'll just keep saying you're amazing, coz you are. hahaha :)
the fact that the position of the earth is perfectly tilted, the fact that you knew all of us before the world was made, the fact that all the cells in our bodies clump together and forms a walking talking human, the fact that everything in nature just fits into place, the fact that everyone has in their hearts an underlying essense that longs for your grace and unconditional lovee.. - when using god's name in vain we cry out JESUS CHRIST! not OMBUDDHA (lol, reggie dabbs) - and the fact that there is nothing in this whole wide world that can separate us from it, just makes me say zomg. thankyou. for everything.
heal my heart and make it clean,
open up my eyes to the things unseen
show me how to love like you have loved me
break my heart for what breaks yours
everything i am for your kingdom's cause
as i walk from earth into eternity..
we cry 'hosanna', save us lord..
ilyjc.. <3