booo, feels so weird to be back at school again. feels like first day back from a 2 week holiday, minus the occasional exams to cram for. no, i lie. they weren't occasional, more like a big fat bunch of exams. i don't know what i'm saying, but oh well.
my brain's still pretty much in holiday/cbz/YAYnomoreexams!/goingout mode, so i found it pretty hard to concentrate in morning class. formulas, equations and what-not always make me plant 'ihatemaths' in my brain. the occasional one slips out of my mouth a few times per lesson too, just not when the teacher's around. i'm ninja. oh look i said occasional three times already. that has nothing to do with how much i hate maths though. gosh, i hate maths. but i guess it's the time of year to focus now.. get it? hah, i'm lame. but not as lame as maths. urgh. i should stop complaining.
but besides my funfun adventures with maths today (yes, sarcasm intended. try catch up with the world. HAHA i'm slack. sorry.), results from AP2's were back. yeah, our school even has fancy names for yearlies, we're technological 8) hah. i don't really care about school anymore. which is pretty bad timing, seeing as we'll be in year 12 in a few weeks. so you worked hard (well not really..), kept your ranks and did good in year 11. then what? it just starts all over again, but this time it counts. CEEBEEEZ. uh-oh, i'm sending a bad message to young readers out there in the cyber world. STUDY HARD.. mmmmyes....... (;
nah doesn't matter, there probably arn't many readers anyway, haha.
ohhhh, i'm looking forward to getting physics back though, HAHAHAHAHA.
this is what my exam paper looked like:
multiple choice: BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. (my other friends did A, C and D, lol)
Q746b) part ii) How does askjdhakjshe affect alskjdlasd and communication waves? (something like that. i think)
A. because it stuffs up the communication system.
Q463a) Calculate the total resistance in the circuit.
A. 100 ohms. --i didn't even look at the circuit diagram, i just thought 100 was a nice number to write down, loll.
Q2347) something about the Big Bang theory and providing evidence. (6 marks)
--nah i didn't write that. i didn't write anything. kinda wish i did though, hahah.
well at least i tried, okay? i made the effort to pick up my pen and completed section A. while everyone else was stabbing numbers into their calculators and scribbling answers down. ohhhh the joy in dropping a subject :), makes me feel happy that i don't have to sit through mr hunter's lessons where he uses one whole period to explain a few questions. but he's a pretty funny teacher, lol. (that's a bad photo and we look drunk, but it's physics hah.) -->
that reminds me. i said 'lol' a few times today. lol. msn language has caught up with our lives. and i don't think it's a good thing, lol. haha, no i don't usually lol that much in a few lines of blog, thankfully.
ohyes. something funny happened yesterday. well not really funny, and not really yesterday either, i forget when. but anyway, one of little things my orthodontist glued on my teeth (yes i'm talking about braces) came off. hah, well it was pretty funny how it happened.. but am leaving the details out. i think the glue came off or something.. i can make it full move along the wire now haha.
i think i will go dig up more old photos, they're fun to look at. heh. and maybe watch some more gossip girl.
this post was lame. i'm sorry if you read all of it. good day. ohh, and watch this! best cover of 'new soul' ever :)
the God of israel gives power and strength to his people. praise be to God!
- psalm 68:35
awwyee, you really are the best. the best there ever was :)
ilyjc ♥
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