i havn't been this inspired for a while. enough for me to start one of these 8).
but i probably won't be here for long, i'll get too lazy and ditch it like i've ditched everything else. it'll be fun for the meantime though :) and i'll do the internet a favour by not raping it to its last gb every month.
i can't seem to find a skin that i like though. they've either got cliche corny little taglines, lovey poems or sayings on them, or they're just ugly. so i'll just stick with this for now. plain and simple :)

hmmmmm so i've been contemplating whether i should sell my nikon d40x or not.oh my trusty nikon, you've been with me for a while now. well, it's only been two years, but the new d5000's make you seem so outdated D:
but that's okay, i still reckon you're pretty decent.
i was blessed with a black chunk like you :) although you weren't used to your full potential, which you should have been. sorry :(, you're just really annoying to carry sometimes. but hey, it was fun when you came along with my expeditions 8)
aand you still got to glorify my amazing creator, which is awesome (Y).
it's funny coz we're in the middle of exam period right now, but noone's studying. i can't believe some people finished all their exams already! i've still got three more to wing and i'm done :)
i'm excited! for all the stuff happening after ap2's.
--exoday this saturday will be madddd. i know it. relient k + reggie dabbs = epic!
--girlies plan for next thurs+friday.
--can focus on YOUTH !
--and going down to adelaide/port augusta (:
yeees. too bad year 11 is already over :(
but it was heaps fun while it lasted ;D
omgsh! all the "ngaw, i wish we had a social/formal/semi this year :(" has paid off!
well not really 'paid' off. but LAUREN ESCALONA i love you !
i'm so excited yayyyyyyyyy :D
so our school's always been pretty stingy on formals and such i reckon. year 10 formals are at the smelly school hall. year 11's don't get one. and year 12, well yeah there's a formal. but still! we never got to invite any people from outside of school either. stupid 360-student-population-per-grade. it'd be funny to have 720kids trying to cram in the hall though. pretty crazy.
anyway, year11 social YESSS! and it's on a cruiiisee too x)
and to people who say cruises suck, you suck more.
lol. but i've actually never been on a one before so i can't talk.
yup. and from all my "studying" for ap2's, i finished all 4 seasons of How I Met Your Mother, again. HAHAH i'm awesome.
besttt american sitcom ever created. emphasis on best, that's why it's bold :).
this - 'Slapsgiving', amongst many favourite episodes - is why:
oh marshall you make me laugh. can't wait for season 5 to come out in like, 4 days :D
hey jesus,
You are a friggin indescribably awesome saviour.
just like to tell you :)
ReplyDeleteYay, you've joined the blogging craze! Don't worry, everyone will start at the end of year 12 next year and then you can say that you started early.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at exoday!
Keep your blog going!
Good luck for exams!
Keep placing your trust in God!