so i watched about 2 and a bit seasons of scrubs and i never got around to editing that last post. hah :D oh no i take that back. i blogged a little but then never got around to posting it. hah :D
yuh - monday's blog - :
it's a public holiday and i'm still at home recovering from oversleeping/brain failure. hahaha, fun. since when do we not have plans on a long weekend? :( excluding the fact that i have tutoring in 29 minutes. oh no actually, movie marathon with church kids? haha. that could be fun. if i can be bothered to make an appearance. but future me can decide if i want to go or not :).
so i have no idea what i was trying to go for in my previous blog. my brain wasn't working, so i shall rewind and restart.
thursday and friday - last two days of term, pretty much the end of year 11! the year 12 charity concert on thursday consumed up.. a third of the day. it was fun/ny :) but some acts were pretty random. everyone was singing "this is the moment" for the rest of the day, hahahahahahaha.
and i don't recall what happened on friday. i fell asleep in double chem sitting in the front row directly in front of alury's face, heh. physics was fun. chasing each other around the school with whiteboard markers trying to draw on each other's faces. not really physics i'd say, but ohwell. mr hunter said i run slow. LOL :(
saturday - hellooo :). original plans got dogged, but was still fun. headed out to parra with Dsquad HAHAHAHHAHA. met up with mel. actually, i don't really know why we went out. was it for formal shopping? i can't remember.
thanks autosave, you saved my life...... ~_~
stupid blackout. but ohwell, i wasn't home anyway, "future me" from past me decided to go to movie marathon, haha. but wasn't much of a marathon since the lights went out during the 2nd movie.
NEXTTTTTT - tuesday's blog (: -
tuesday 8.40 pm : am currently flying on tiger airways, some gay plane company. but yee, planes have internet now ;) haha, no i’m kidding. i’m typing this up on word doc HAHA, that’s how bored i am right now. we were supposedly departing at 7.30 from
for some reason... going to
my posts have been pretty retarded lately, soz to anyone who’s actually bothered to read them lol. oh no i forgot to charge my laptop! ): i only have one hour on this baby. that means like only 3 episodes of scrubs, booo. but it’s okay, the flight’s only
i think my brain’s capacity to remember things is deteriorating. well, important things at least. i remember all the useless information i find throughout the week, like the random facts written on the back of pads, hahahahha. actually if you come to think of it, this whole blog is pretty random. i don’t know why i made it, lol. but meh, it gives me something to do.
so, these past few days have been fun :). beginning of holidays yeeee!
sunday –
got home at 11.30.
slept straight til
good morning youtube (Y).
monday – umm happy labour day.. lol. isn’t it ironic that a public holiday is called labour day ? i still don’t know if shops open on labour days or not, haha. so ended up crashing matthew’s house for a movie marathon or something? but wasn’t really much of a marathon, since we had a blackout in the middle of the second movie hahaha. played poker, pool, german bridge etc. to kill time (:
tuesday – which was really today, but this will be posted on Wednesday so not today today .. D: lol, i’m tired. after so much “planning” for today, it finally worked out.. kinda. as usual, girls were punctual to arrive at 11 ;) and all the boys ran late. i think the guys still havn’t updated their daylight saving times – they’re always an hour behind, HAHAHA, i'm lame.
gah, i’m so hungry. it’s $4 for a cup noodle on this plane. stupid tiger. i’m never flying with you again DX !
where was i .. hmm yeah. and again, original plans got dogged – hahah. so we all just somehow split up into bits. social shopping was still pretty fail :(. i can’t find anything pretty that isn’t black, blue or purple, garrrrhhhhh. but we still tried on practically half the store, lool. and THANKS AGAIN my superman! :). you know who you are and you know why. LOVE YOUU! but you probably won’t see this, haha.
WEDNESDAYYYY blog. today blog ;)
crap no. it's thursday. THURSDAYYY BLOG. oh gosh my brain's still not back to normal ..
stupid tiger airways ! made me wait another half hour JUST to get my luggage from the carousel. farouttt. ended up eating dinner at the city at like 11.30 coz of you. stupid tiger.
so on wednesday.. oh yeah, i remember now. went to rundell mall in adelaide 8) i bet noone knows where that is, but i bet noone cares either. i saw a pretty dress for social! finally something that wasn't black, blue or purple. (grey doesn't count as black, lol) but i got pissed, coz it was too big :(
thenn drove 3hrs back to port augusta, yay.... -- note the sarcasm in that, lol =0=.
i think that's all for today. am so hoping to drive today before night shift! hehe. ily port augusta. for having no cars AT ALL on the streets.
i'm trying to find my camera cable.. but then i remembered i forgot to pack one, HAHA. so it'll be a while until this post becomes bedazzled (lol, i just watched gameplan again xd) with pretty pictures ;)
i have too much on my mind right now to type here. you know what's happening in my brain :)
so to sum it up..
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