saturday's to do list:
- finish writing my uncreative creative.
- ......i think that's it, LOLL.
yes! today will be a lonely day :(. but that's what you get for having no creativity whatsoever. damnit, stupid brain.
hahh, 2u maths assessment on friday/yesterday. it was longer than expected, but ohwell. i was super high that morning from not sleeping properly the night before, but just for that one period. everything from then onwards i don't recall. my brain died from doing my exam too fast, with 10minutes to spare. which will probably mean half the exam doesn't make sense. WTH, for a 2u exam, sighhh.
oh lol. this is what happened period four; we had jap with arkins & our tiny jap class (with only like 7 people). 20 minutes into the period she still hadn't shown up, hah. so we went to the senior study and practically had a free :D. then with like 10minutes til lunch we pretended to look for her, it was like playing hide and seek around the school LOL. t'was quite epic, hah.
only one and a half weeks of school left til we hit our 5/6 week holiday :) and then it's back to no-life, hahah. that's already a quarter of year 12 DONE, how exciting. bring it on hsc, i'll be waiting for you.
yaaaaaayyye, cleveland beat pheonix :D. but their jerseys were extreemely ugly. like seriously, bright blue and red?! gross. cavs are coming third in the eastern conference :)
indescribable, uncontainable
you placed the stars in the sky and you know them by name
you are amazing, god.
i know that i don't need to stress or worry, coz at the end of the day, you're all that matters. the things of the earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of your glory and grace. thankyou <3
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