urgh, am in the worst mood right now. excuse this post if it's chat, but i feel freaking chat. skjdfhfkjghfridge. i hate this :(
i put that happy photo there before i started feeling kdnbgdfh. lol. but i cbz to take it off, so it might just sit there to lighten up the mood.
this is what i'm going to get up to these holidays:
- 2 monologues & 3 writings for extension japanese.
- 3 writings & 4 comprehension things for jap continuers.
- massive pdhpe assessment..
- catch up on all those maths exercises i never did
- start reading new english text
- and work every single halfday-night in port augusta...... except tuesdays.
frick, kill me now. freaking school is taking over my sad little life. argh, i'm so angry. and not to mention, assessments results. oh my fridge. i don't think i've done this badly for ANYthing in my whole high school life. like seriously. well.. things out of 20.
GAAHHHHHHHRRRdkfjghdgb, what is wrong with me :(
omgsh, am soo not looking forward to sports assembly tomorrow. why the heck would they give me a sports award, seriously. the shortest girl on a mixed volleyball team. come onnnn. and to go up in front of the whole school TWICE to get them . argh, life just gets so good at times.
oh great. i just ate another elastic, arggghhhhh. i'm going to die :( argh, i'm so angry to the extent that i'm eating plain bread. wtheck. i'm weird dkfjghdfkjghdg .
anyway, hello youtube.
i've been favouriting too much lately, so i don't know what to put here.
i love asian kids on youtube.
i'm so sorry. i know i shouldn't be feeling like this, but i'm stuck. help me please? :(
i can't seem to cast things aside and focus on you atm. i'm sorry. really.
i hope that soon, very soon, i'll be able to realise that "the joy of the lord is our strength", and that you're awesome no matter what.
"my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." therefore i will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. that is why, for Christ's sake, i delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. for when i am weak, then i am strong. - 2 corinthians 12:9-10.
-- pause blog. random solo time. --
you're like my bandaid that makes everything better. and you are WAAYY bigger than this little rough patch. thank you, coz now i can watch you pwn hsc. :)
ilyjc. <3
DW DOT! just like.. 3 more terrrrrrrms still freedom woop :D