sunday. hcac soccer game against cpc WOOOOOOOOOO!
mondaymornin'. okay, i don't think that picture from my last post was NEARLY as embarrassing as the way the suckeroos played their first match against germany HAHAHAHA. sleeping two hours just to wake up at 4am to watch such a painful game LOL.
game#1; australia vs. germany - everyone so stoned in the morning.
FREAKING FAIL MEXICAN REFS. sif give cahill a red card, omyfridge.
then watched game 5 replay of nba finals haha. just because it was aired on with awesome timing. celtics ftw! :D
& morning maccas run! and desperate need of coffee & mother.
monday. lazer tag woooo. maybe both coffee & mother was a tad too much caffiene..
stillmonday. went out to walk a dog! but not just some random dog, this dog hasn't been outside its house for SIX YEARSLOL. how can you not walk your dog for six years?! hahaha. it bit me -_-
trying to lock the dog in a playground, greenway, cbz'ing & subway cookies with my exercise buddy. how ironic.
tuesday..period 2?. beam's fatass 9kg sausagedog HAHAHA!! and her legs are like 2cm away from the ground.
& finally satisfied the migoreng craving i've had since like a month ago D:
thursday. dinner in the city! way too much food for this week already.
friday.. why does every team seem to be doing so badly?!
from a 13 point lead to 4 point loss. OMGSKDJGHSKJGHSDKFJHSfridge :(
ihateyoudamnlakers ):
saturday. baanddd! surprise attack with anti-natasha & fail porcupine-looking kimchi bread as a birthday cake LOL. then japan vs netherlands!! lol at nakamura and samurai tulio guy HAHA!
sundaymooornin'. OHMY, i'm still so angry.
game#2; australia vs. ghana - fail photo. this game wasn't as painful, thankfully. BUT ASIF ANOTHER RED CARD TO KEWELL FAROUTTTT. AGHHHHH. australia's best two players got redcarded out -_-. FREAKING ITALIANS AND MEXICANS, why do people hate australia!?
sunday. HCAC soccer game with northside!!! you boys did awesome (Y)!
and for this week: dui, catrina, melll, rachel, natasha, timk! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELIES!
alright i'm done. i'm a bit cbz, and a bit angry. maybe a bit too much worldcup and nba this week. lolBYE!
hahahha, even though we get so caught up with stupid things like worldcup or nba, getting angry over redcards and kobe'sfreethrows, at the end of the day - You're all that matters.
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