i'm still waiting for my english related text to finish downloading. but it's already taken one hour to reach 67%, stupid internet. & i've been reading all my old posts from ages ago, hah. my posts have gone from whinging about year 11 and how useless it actually is, to.. well this stuff. i don't even know what to call it. nothing much interesting happens to me, except when i rage about the little sad things that consume my brain. it's called HSC.
but i shall make an effort today :). i really have no idea why after all this time, and at this ridiculous hour in the mornin'. honestly, i don't know why i'm so ninja at avoiding doing ANY school work, hah.
sorry, i lie. i can't be bothered to put in effort into this. go read someone else's, LOL.
-------------♥sometimes i don't understand why people search all their lives for a meaning or ideology so complicated and difficult to achieve, when there is an incredibly amazing God upstairs just waiting for His children to return to him? people are constantly looking for scientific proof, miracles and whatnot to verify what other people believe. but where's the faith in that? are we a generation so hopeless with such a diminished faith? it's crazy.
we don't need proof. not because we don't believe, but because we live it. in our own lives. personally. He gives us an experience so real whether it's through his word, his signs or other brothers&sisters, it's HARD to doubt His existence. the spiritual connection between us & God isn't just like victor frankenstein & his monster (LOOL), but it's an everlasting relationship between a father& his children, so full of love that we cannot even begin to understand.
it's incredible. that such an indescribable God would love me. something so insignificant, smaller than the one gazillionth of an atom in comparison to Him. GOD IS FREEEAKING MASSIVEEE! just look at the universe, and how huge it is. we might think that He's the size of that, times infinity to the power of infinity. yet we are still underestimating him! BY LIGHTYEARS. ohmy, i could go on for ages about how big he is.
asdfghk. i'm mindblowing my own mind, HAHAHAHA. but foreals. who needs worldly evidence? i know You're real.
because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. --john 20:29
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