Tuesday, July 6

this is what my camera sees.

99 days 09 hours 42 minutes and 45 seconds til HSC 2010. 
I MISSED THE 100 day mark to blog D: but it's okay, this is just as bad.

so, where have my last 10 days or so gone to? obviously not study, or i'd be complaining about how much my brain fails to take in. here we go:)

ah, but my memory can't go that far back. so this will be a pretty fail post. 

lastlast friday; dui's 18thhh.

12am breakfast! but note to self; never EVER try cereal with beer again -_-

wednesday; jewish museum excursion with just our english class, hah :)

some random day; HAHAHA burning bunsen burners with another bunsen burner, making magic green potion 8) & just any random crap. i love chem :).

; TOY STORY THREEEEE! omygosh best movie eeever. despite the extremely creepy baby, faroutttt..

friday youthh; fruit salad, yummy yummy :D

saturday; mexicannn!! & CHUUURRROOOSS! 
okay. i think i will have to dedicate a post JUST for sunday(s). because they have been so epic, for some weird reason. hah. i love youse hcackids, you make my week. :)

monday; HBD KATHERINE! badminton, yumcha etc. and hillsong conference :DDDDDDD
the whole acer arena was filled practically 20 minutes after the gates opened, and there were so many people outside still waiting that couldn't get in. MAN, it was crazy. but more on conference when the week has finished! MOMENTUMMMM.


i love the way that you just come into people's hearts and consumes their lives. & seeing all that amazing stuff happen in just one night, is just.. dkfjghwow. You are so real. 

i'm running to your arms..


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