my water jug thing tipped itself over and now my chair's all wet, and i'm sitting in an awkward position. hello, blog. i'm probably not going to update you as often now, if you've noticed. but i shall try to maintain an average of 8/9 posts a month, hah. i'd like to think that i have nothing better to do, but i do.
everything's moving so fast now, and it seems like year 10 and 11 was soo long ago. i think there's just so much to do in senior years that you forget what junior years were like. stuff like PE prac lessons, science lessons - not just chem/phy/bio but like everything, stupid maths lessons where no real effort is actually required, no morning/lunch classes, and the days where we'd only stress over pointless, trivial things that don't count in junior school. i feel old :( not to mention that i won't be 16 for much longer, boooo. and i'm still so immature, loll.so for the past week i've been walking to and from school, which i practically never did before except the times when i got ditched and i had to. and since i'm nowhere near a morning person, it's such a pain getting up earlier.. especially when there's morning class. like this morning. and yeah, i was already running late coz i turned my alarm off at 6.50am when it first rang. stupid move. ended up having to walk faster than usual to school with already blistered feet. turns out the back gate of the school was locked. in fact, all the gates were locked =0= except the carpark gate. stupid school. made us walk around the wholee school - for non cherrybrook people, you don't understand how far it is :( - and took like an extra 15 minutes. so i was late on top of being late.
and i thought that today could not have gotten worse. with no free periods and a morning, ewww. though double english was fun :). maasssivee dnm sesh in front of the library computers watching angry librarians do stocktake, hah. i missed that. no not angry librarians, when we losers would hang out just by ourselves every lunch and recess, lolll. got nothing done :Doh yeah, one thing i found funny. which wasn't really that funny but i'm easily amused. i sent an email to myself from my school email address of my 'essay plan' (not really, i just did it so it looks like i was doing something) and titled the email 'as you freaking like it' - our text is 'as you like it'. i ended up getting an email that said "email dropped - offensive language". or maybe coz i had the word 'crap' in the email. but LOLLL, they scan emails for offensive language, swear words and that? hahaha. schools are funny.
so, to build up the pressured atmosphere (HAHAHAHHA! ..lame) of year 12, assessment period slash pre-half yearlies are coming up. and for once, i'm hating this time of year. but for everyone else not in year 12, it's probably the best time right now for them. year 10's get to do nothing at school in anticipation for formal. hsc'ers are probably all gone overseas/holidays. juniors have nothing to do anyway but probably watch lame movies in class. uni people finish their finals. parents/everyone else doing chrismas shopping. mmmm.. but that's okay, it's only 12 months of our lives wasted with our faces glued to textbooks 8).
lakers pretty much pwned oklahoma just now. but that's pretty much expected anyway, lol. it's alright durant, i still think you're awesome :). and you don't suck as much as you did in my expectations. i don't think that sentence was grammatically correct, but ohwell. cleveland and boston are pretty much equal right now, hahahh. and so are orlando and atlanta. oklahoma was equal to houston before, hahahahahhahahahahha. wth hawks, why doing so pro suddenly? not to mention PHEONIX, you guys normally suck! sif be coming first in western conference.. and nuggets! wht happened to you guys man :(
mmkae, enough nba for now. you're flooding my youtube subscriptions page and distract me from studying DX. no that second part was a lie. i should study.
oh i saw this a while ago but i never posted it coz i wasn't bothered to blog just to post a video. i doubt that anyone watches the vids i post haha. but that's okay, it makes me feel good if i think you are watching . :)
if you read all that, congratulations. i just wasted your time in which you could've read a different set of 1000 words, hah! i don't even know if that makes sense, but it does it my head 8).hope you have a nice week. :)
you are the way, the truth and the life.
we live by faith, and not by sight
for you, we're living all for you.
there's noone else in this world
that could love us like you do.
someone who loves us enough to die upon that cross
and save us from the punishment we deserve.
you were perfect, yet you still took on our sins.
you're worthy of all our praises
you're MY way, MY truth, and MY life. i love you jesus.
ilyjc ♥
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