i kinda hate you right now. and i'd be super appreciative if you just stepped out of my life. you consume so much of my brain just to screw it up again and make me hate maths even more. stupid parameters, wasting my brain's space capacity. school would be a much happier place without you. actually no not really. whenever i see x^2 = 4ay, to me it looks like x^2 = gay, lol.
i don't have much to say. i cut/thinned my hair today, but you can't really tell the difference. coz noone can tell when i do anyway hah. even though i'd really like to think i didn't cut much of it off, it feels shorrrter :(. i kindof gave up on the cutting shortshort idea, i don't know why. though i'd probably chop it once it reaches my ass, and that might take a while. but the good thing is that it doesn't take 4 and a half hours to dry anymore, hah. just 3 now :)
i'm so cbz nowadays. stupid year 12. you make all our lives so much more miserable. well besides the fact that we get to swipe on/fingerprint now and no more rolecalllll. + all the frees. the year11 to year12 info night was kindof a waste of time. even though we got our reports back, LOOLL.
yeah, so yesterday was pretty fail. had a free first period, so just slept . coz everyone has class when i don't :(. the whole day was so cbz. not to mention the weather! wth's wrong with you sydney weather!? tops of 35 if i recall? urgh. the worst part was having afternoon class for jap extension in a smelly classroom with the fans rotating around all the hot stuffy air. it was so horrible. then a phonecall / my communication problems costed me another hour after jap at the shops, lol. ended up walking home in the ugly weather at almost 6. from sitting on the streets like hobos "cbz-ing for a bit" and playing taptap revenge which i kept losing :(. yeah we're sad. and all this is very unnecessary information. and i'm sorry you read that.
OH except one thing, that pretty much made my day. we got our westpac math comp results from a while back. i remember that day so clearly.. i was in the worst cbz mood, hah. so when we did the test, i read the first question then pretty much cbz'ed the whole thing. i wrote 'ABCD' on the sides of the pencil and rolled it for my answers HAHAHA. and for that, i got a top 56% credit. LOOOL . epic win :)
geh, i don't have much more to say. i don't even know what i usually blog about. and i cbz looking. omgsh i just ate the most sour piece of orange. urgh. it makes my eyes twitch and tongue tingly ._.
oh! nba? hah. there were no exciting games yesterday. so i didn't bother youtubing balls flying into baskets. as expectedddd, celtics, cavs, nuggest and lakers won today yeee :). even though oklahoma was leading lakers for a bit hahah. dw, i still think youse are kool (Y).
AND I"M CAPPED NOW. buuummmmmmm :(but this video is friggin gun !
and this is just hiliarious. :)
hello there:)
i'm sorry it's been a while. you deserve so much more than the time/brain space i give you.
but i know there's nothing i could do to make you love me any less, i believe you :) and you're amazing for that ♥
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