Monday, November 9

i rely on facebook too much.

..and it consumes too much of my life, sigh.  but nonetheless, makes up for the insufficient memory capacity i claim to have under my scalp. :) i'm bored.

happy birthdayyyy youse ! :)

i never knew there were so many birthdays in november. so as the sad sad person i am, i looked through all the birthdays listed on facebook. hah, i mean all of them. i still don't have one month full of birthdays lol. although december's pretty close, just missing birthdays on the 6th and 12th hahah.  and facebook tells me that there are 5 days of the year where hextuplets(?) celebrate their birthdays. figurative-immune people: no not literally. oh wow i'm so lame :(. 

soo, excitement for school has been below average as of this week. and average is already pretty low down there. pile-ups of work are make their way on my nerves and more things are starting to bugggg me. year 12's a betch, but i think i've complained enough about school these past weeks so it shall be paused for now.

HO-YES, time for nba updates for you, blog. hah. LOLOL of the week: oklahoma city and orlando magic : 102 - 74. HHAHAH CHYEAH, in your face dwight howard. who would've thought, dahah! good job OKC (Y) i'm proud to be oklahomo. and okc & cavs standings are getting better wooo :), but still kinda suck this season. ohwell - still a lot more games to plaaayyy.

but it sucks to be capped now :( 

chianggg. mums coming to town tmrw :) 
and i have no idea why but my right leg is feeling extremely sore. 


amazing lovee, how can it be
that you my king would die for mee ♪


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