i'll try dig out bits of my brain from friday.
---soYES, our last swimming carnival EVER as high schoolers. well not like we get any other ones in uni or whatever, so our LAST EVER. ohman, it makes us feel so old. none of us have ever really cared about swimming carnivals, not going to probably more than half of them during our high school life. BUT THIS ONE, was epic. :D
year 12's had a 'hawaii' theme hah! went shopping on thursday for things to wear lol. we went to most of the costume/toy/discount shops around towers and they all said that grass skirts and those hawaiian flowery lays(?) were sold out LOL. that's what you get when 300year 12 kids from cherrybrook dress up as hawaiians. so we ended up just getting flowers & that :). AND thanks jade! for the shirt hah.
the weather started out to be okay in the morning, then started poooouring down like crazy. but that's okay, we would've got wet anyway. not that any of us swam, but our epic water fight with huge guns, ninja soakers that shoot from the sides (owned so many people LOLL), mini guns, water bombs, and just water in general. and the rain. the whole grade probably had like 100+ water guns altogether hahaha! we were going to pwn the year 10's and 11's, but they were on the other side of the pool and being boring, lol.
& LOOL at the 'MOIST' tactic:
moist. *shoot*
moist. *shoot*
moist. *shoot*
moist. *shoot*
moist. *shoot*
moist. *shoot*
- we're too obsessed with how i met your mother. though Ranjeet begs to differ, HAHAH! being shot in the face like that was really annoying ahhahaah, but so hiliarious. so yeahhh. oh and i love how the whole grade just gets along so well :) class of 2010, we're awesome.
the water fight only lasted for about the first three hours, so we started getting bored after that lol :/. played cards, sat in a circle singing to my ukulele! LOL, photos etc. the usual things people do at carnivals.. i think. aw my shoes got ruined though :( there's a huge hole in it now. but s'okay, i bought another pair of them LOL - my third or fourth pair of the same hobo shoes ahahah.
and thennnnn.. got back to school at around 2:30 when it started to rain and thunderstorm like crazy. the door in the senior study got screwed up so we couldn't go in lol :( ended up hiding in some computer room JAMMING HAHA. (the video from my last post)
ukulele heaps out of tune + crazy thunderstorming outside + hiding in a classroom after our LAST swimming carnival ever + mj in the back dancing & packing his bag (?) + hawaiian thingys + dodgy harmonies + forgotten lyrics + 5 minutes to the bell
= super uncalled for jamming/cover. ilyouse, DTUBS :)year 10's and 11's: the boring side of the pool, haha.
i like your face jimmy.
so yes, that was friday :) our last, but BEEST ever swimming carnival! like seriously.
get ready for athletics carnival yee, we're going to pwn.
oh friday night. youth was average. there are way too many kids lol :/
went to maccas afterwards again ahahh. stayed there for heaps long arm wrestling, talking really loudly etc. asian style. haha
got home super tired, ended up waking up at 1.37pm on saturday. the image of that number on my phone freaked me out so much that i still remember it. i slept like 14 hours that night lol, double.
ohhyeeeeee, my hair is growing ninja fast! i'm happy :) but probably not long enough in time for school photos next monday boo :(
when i go to sleep, i'll think of you.
when i wake up, i'll praise you.
when i eat, i'll thank you for providing.
when i study, i'll stop complaining and acknowledge you.
when i have nothing to do, i'll praise you.
when i jam, i'll worship and sing to you.
when i'm busy, i'll take time out for you.
when i'm upset, i'll rely on you.
when i need help, i'll read your word and let you speak to me.
when i'm in doubt, i'll trust in you.
when i feel like life is going nowhere, i'll seek for your calling.
when i breathe, i'll live for you.
in everything i do, i'll do it for you.
coz when i lose my focus on you, i know i will stumble. just like peter when he walked out to you on the water. i want to love you and serve you, cause you are worthy of my life and much, much more. i'll give you all i can offer, coz my little brain can't even comprehend how much you love us, or how awesome and incredible you are. farout, you're amazing. thankyou. for everything. :)
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