Friday, February 12

it's friday!

when i think of friday, 
i think YESS no school for the next two days!
but there's also all the work to catch up on.
i think YEESS new episode of white collar is up!
but i have chem tutoring in the arvo
i think YESSS .. it's friday
but i have to go to youth. hahah nah i'm kidding, youth is good (Y).

and now i think, oh it's friday, i should blog. LOL
this past week has been average. nothing really worth note taking of. OH except thursday HAHAHAHA.

yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY AIDANN. again. :) 
ohh and we tried out for grade sport again LOLL, but we can go practically whenever we want. this year's volleyball teams for both guys AND girls really suck hahaha. i think half the girls don't even know how to play lol. 
mmm, went to towers after grade sport for CHEESEBURGER FEST, chyeahh. and i mean cheeseburger fest, for aidan's birthday hah ;D.

that's 31 mcdonald's cheeseburgers, $62, finished in 15 minutes. HAHAHAH we're awesome. everyone had like 1 -5 each.. and we got so stuffed from them zomg.  but it was epic :)

then went shopping, rahrah. yeah.

fake valentines day today :) same old. 
our school is so boring lol. :/

yeah that's all. CBZZZ

but happy valentines day & chinese new year! for sunday ;D

oh i love her. :D


sldfjdhg woah. you can do suchhh amaaazing things <3


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