yeah that's all, prison break is too good :)
good morning! i'm in a good mood! had 10 hours of sleep after my chunk of 8 exams in 5 days. i've been doing nothing except download my wife and kids, haha. it's so funny.
it feels so weird not doing anything productive. for the past few weeks everyone's been studying their asses off, and you feel like kicking yourself when you're just procrastinating. but it's so relaxing to know you can do whatever you want now ;) hah.-------------♥
thank you so much. for just pulling me through i guess?
after you finish all that i think we realize that all that stress was pretty unnecessary.
i'm so lucky to have you on my side, just there :D
ilyjc <3>
i'm running out of photos. lol.
HELLOOOOOOOOOO, i've missed you :) i had the urge to post yesterday and rage about my exams, but i resisted hah. aren't you lucky.
jap speaking first uppp. eh, t'was alright. but i stuffed up the little grammars that cost (costed? :S) me the last mark. oh well, i'm still happy with it!
jap written. was three hours! longest exam i've done so far in my whole high school life. it was just like what the actual HSC is going to be. and it was HARD. i never knew i could find it THAT hard. lol, i sound cocky. but i guess no full marks this time :(
then english on thursday! it sucked coz we had jap the day before, while everyone else was studying for english. but i'm surprised that i memorised my essay :) and got carried away so i kinda wrote way too much.. like double of my creative which i only wrote 2 and half pages for LOOL. wasn't too bad :D
2u maths this morning. i finished all the easy stuff in like an hour, and spent the other hour on like ONE QUESTION. LIKE ONE PART OF A QUESTION. and still couldn't get it in the end, which was actually really easy LOL! i probably made silly mistakes as usual. but i'm alright with it :)
THEN JAP EXTENSION SPEAKING. i was so scared, like really scared. i was about to cry, but i remembered i had mascara on today so i tried not to. LOL!! how stupid -_-. it was really hard :(
I"M SO GLAD IT'S OVER! for now.
i'm hoping chem will be good on monday. those 25+ past papers better have been worth it haha. if i don't do good, that'd just prove i'm really dodgy at it LOL!
but i'm scared for jap extension again, LOL :( the written one this time.
ahhh, it's hard.
THEN I"M FINISHEDDD!! practically.
then 3unit on tuesday, which i don't really care about :D
and pe's easy. haha.
soyeah. my week has been stressful, i'm glad it's over soo fast. and i'm alive! yay. i even managed to squeeze in new gossip girl and scrubs......... :)
even though i look like a panda.
aaand i havn't had coffee today :)
yayayay. ohyeah!!!!!! library after my jap exam was .. EVENTFUL LOL (Y).
i don't know, it was really fun(ny) hah. :D
so for the rest of the night, i'm going to breathe. and not study :) coz i actually have been studying yay!! heheheheheh i'm proud of myself. even if i didn't do SUPER, i'll try to be happy with results hah.
here, watch some videos now.
aw :)
hahah, thank you so much ♥ foreals.
i would probably be dead and crying by now about my exams, but i'm alive :)
i was actually pretty calm for the exams, even though i freaked out before it lol. except japext. oops. lol, but yeah, it's coz YOU are awesome. and You give me peace in my heart :DD
thank you so muchhhhhhhhh
note(s of encouragement) to self:
just do your best, and God will do the rest. :)
if He assures that we don't need to worry about tomorrow, why do we need to worry about today? focus on the bigger picture. there is more to all this than just study! year 12 is not everything. let alone just a chunk of half yearly exams.
& remember, what ever you do, you're doing it for the glory of God.
so stop complaining about how you did so crap in your english, and acknowledge Him for letting you achieve that mark in the first place. and just STOP COMPLAINING in general!! seriously, you're annoying.
this is getting long ._.
soyeah, don't stress! coz it's all taken care of :).
but that doesn't mean you can slack off! so don't download the new scrubs or himym episodes this week. FOCUS!
if you end up doing good, be happy with it. thank Him.
if you end up doing crap, don't go emo. and still praise Him no matter what. AIIITE?
let Him be your motivation to study, and let Him be your motivation to improve. and like.. in everything else too!
oh, and try cut down on the caffiene. get more sleep, you look like a panda.
You give me strength when i am weak.
because i have You, nothing is impossible.
ilyjc :)
x MY JERSEY SHRUNK! but it's still quite big.
x daily cup of coffee and fake dodgy ice coffee from school is making me shorter.
x eyebags are getting darker, i look like a freak.
x cheeks are sore from laughing.
x kazuma narikiyo is the biggest distraction ever.
x i feel happy :).
x watched people belly dance while doing maths .________.
x a weird song is stuck in my head.
AP3 exams in two days!
o japanese exam x2 on wednesday
o ENGLISH EXAM on thursday
o maths 2u & jap ext partI on friday
o chemistry & jap ext partII on monday
o maths ext tuesday
o and a loser PE exam the monday after.
still to do:
x belonging uncreative
x japext essays
THEN! the week/holidays after..
o adelaide
o easter service
o and all the other random things planned that i forgot about.
tomorrow will be a strange day. 7 periods in a row (minus recess) of every single subject i have. then a free!
how exciting.see you soon, probably.
the things of the earth will grow strangely dim at the light of your glory and graceee
when i focus on your awesomeness, all my troubles and worries just fade away. you're just so.. awesome :D
the way you humbled yourself to become one of us.. is like us becoming the smallest part of a microbacteria that nobody cares about. you're HUGE! and AMAZINGGG, and i can never thank you enough for just being on my side :)
eh, i'm not in the mood. ):
i'm running out of pictures to put up here. i'm not very photogenic, you see. hah! i have to think of something to talk about before i come here, how sad. but ehh, it hasn't been a very good week so far ):
OHWAIT, good stuff first.
yay for cleeeveelanddd (Y)! first team to reach 50 wins :) totally killing everyone else right now, hah. but oklahoma have been quite awesome too.
OH, gossip girl's finally out again! so i went downloading like crazy. & new himym and white collar final omgosh! it's so SDKJGHKSJHFS.
oh and one more thing. cross country yesterday haha. apparently only 70/360 people in year 12 went in. everyone else either didn't come to school or just legged it at lunch. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA, i find that funny. so much for compulsory.
youtube videos! before i complain. lol.
win season 5 please! :)
yeah, you probably don't want to read this, i sound annoying as -_-.
i'm not ready for 3 unit maths.. and i don't think i'm ready for the speaking exams for jap & ext. i can't even write a 3 minute speech in 10 minutes in english, let alone japanese.
this whole week, just the thought of AP3's make me want to skdjfhdg. so i've been feeling crap.
i think when there are no exams, everything's good. my study pattern's good, my motivation is good/average, hah. but once stress is added into the equation everything's screwed. just because of some stupid unnecessary stress that's only there in the first place because i procrastinate like wth. that didn't even make sense. but yeah, my head's pretty messed up right now lol.
BUTT. (haha, butt.) i know this is nothing to worry about :)
i know i can't do this myself, so i don't need to.
i have an amazing guy up there watching out for me, and i know that he's all i need.
thank youu. i don't know why it took me so long to realise.i guess i was too caught up in worldly things ? school -_- yeahh. there's so much more to year 12 than just this.. kindof. LOL i don't know.
i don't know what i'm saying.
when i am weak, you give me strength.
i'm sorry :(
LOL katherine! :)
oops. weekly blogging on friday kind of failed. i didn't know i'd come home past 1am though that night.50th post! man i waste so much time on this. so this shall be quick. although i'll probably get carried away and talk lots about things. :/
school has been alright. everybody's stressing for ap3's coming up. i have 8 exams in 5 days, and then another loser exam a week after. that's 4 jap exams, which all count up to like 6+ hours. sigh. but i'm not too stressed about that. ENGLISH assessment next tuesday! everything in my mind right now has got something to do with Yeats. that stupid poet. i spend at least like 10 minutes in every other class/subject looking at english. except maths, coz i hate that enough already hah.
OH that reminds me. i was going to rage last friday. so we had a jap continuers reading/responding exam, last period on a friday. year 7 and 8's wouldn't shut up outside and ran around everywhere. the teacher changed the last two questions, which were worth the most marks, with 15 minutes left to the bell. YOU CANNOT FRIDGE-ING DO THAT IN A HSC ASSESSMENT. epic fail teacher.
anyway, yeah. exams! and Yeats! but i always spell yeast, which then reminds me of chemistry.. and all the chem things i have to do for school&tutor. raahh. but the funny thing is, i'm not that stressed. LOL. i'm only worried about maths, coz i suck so much at it :/
other things.
- no facebook. like foreals! except saturdays hah. whoever goes on first shouts lunch for three days.
- yay for youth this friday! & worship
- i didn't realise how slow our internet is now.
- started watching prison break. it's good, so that's not a good sign.
- mum booked plane tickets for adelaide for a week! but s'okay, i practically have four weeks off school anyway. minus my PE exam.
- arhh i just spilled my water :( which makes me wonder why i have a bib with 'jonathan' on it in my room. but i wiped it with it anyway.
- parents approved for a second-hand 22K mini cooper!! it's so pretty ♥ but it's freaking manual, so i don't know................
- WILL DEFINITELY GET P's before hsc. if i don't, you can kick me.
they're so good! like in all the videos!
i lay down my life for You, You're more than enough for me
You give me strength when i am weak
and fill me with Your amazing love
ilyjc <3