Tuesday, March 16

i'm studying!! :D


note(s of encouragement) to self: 

just do your best, and God will do the rest. :)
if He assures that we don't need to worry about tomorrow, why do we need to worry about today? focus on the bigger picture. there is more to all this than just study! year 12 is not everything. let alone just a chunk of half yearly exams.
& remember, what ever you do, you're doing it for the glory of God.
so stop complaining about how you did so crap in your english, and acknowledge Him for letting you achieve that mark in the first place. and just STOP COMPLAINING in general!! seriously, you're annoying.

this is getting long ._.

soyeah, don't stress! coz it's all taken care of :). 
but that doesn't mean you can slack off! so don't download the new scrubs or himym episodes this week. FOCUS!
if you end up doing good, be happy with it. thank Him.
if you end up doing crap, don't go emo. and still praise Him no matter what. AIIITE?
let Him be your motivation to study, and let Him be your motivation to improve. and like.. in everything else too!

oh, and try cut down on the caffiene. get more sleep, you look like a panda.


You give me strength when i am weak.
because i have You, nothing is impossible.

ilyjc :)

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