LOL katherine! :)
oops. weekly blogging on friday kind of failed. i didn't know i'd come home past 1am though that night.50th post! man i waste so much time on this. so this shall be quick. although i'll probably get carried away and talk lots about things. :/
school has been alright. everybody's stressing for ap3's coming up. i have 8 exams in 5 days, and then another loser exam a week after. that's 4 jap exams, which all count up to like 6+ hours. sigh. but i'm not too stressed about that. ENGLISH assessment next tuesday! everything in my mind right now has got something to do with Yeats. that stupid poet. i spend at least like 10 minutes in every other class/subject looking at english. except maths, coz i hate that enough already hah.
OH that reminds me. i was going to rage last friday. so we had a jap continuers reading/responding exam, last period on a friday. year 7 and 8's wouldn't shut up outside and ran around everywhere. the teacher changed the last two questions, which were worth the most marks, with 15 minutes left to the bell. YOU CANNOT FRIDGE-ING DO THAT IN A HSC ASSESSMENT. epic fail teacher.
anyway, yeah. exams! and Yeats! but i always spell yeast, which then reminds me of chemistry.. and all the chem things i have to do for school&tutor. raahh. but the funny thing is, i'm not that stressed. LOL. i'm only worried about maths, coz i suck so much at it :/
other things.
- no facebook. like foreals! except saturdays hah. whoever goes on first shouts lunch for three days.
- yay for youth this friday! & worship
- i didn't realise how slow our internet is now.
- started watching prison break. it's good, so that's not a good sign.
- mum booked plane tickets for adelaide for a week! but s'okay, i practically have four weeks off school anyway. minus my PE exam.
- arhh i just spilled my water :( which makes me wonder why i have a bib with 'jonathan' on it in my room. but i wiped it with it anyway.
- parents approved for a second-hand 22K mini cooper!! it's so pretty ♥ but it's freaking manual, so i don't know................
- WILL DEFINITELY GET P's before hsc. if i don't, you can kick me.

they're so good! like in all the videos!
i lay down my life for You, You're more than enough for me
You give me strength when i am weak
and fill me with Your amazing love
ilyjc <3
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