Sunday, September 12
this time between trials&HSC is freaking.. lol:)
- my baby's done 600+ km's in almost three weeks, HAHA.
- but she gets bullied :(.. and shinny likes to kiss her ass.
- unswopenday failed. trekked from turramurra to city to castle hill to cherrybrook, wth? lol.
- formal dress, afters dress and afterafters dress done ;D
- dorothy the dinosaurs!
- crazy hats day/maccas for engrish.
- average of 2 periods a day S:
- baking adventures at kazuma's :) hahahahahahahah.
- AKHIL's 18th :D! goodbye brain cells.
- mini road trip to blacktown/stanhope LOL.
- CHAE"s 18th!! soon:)
- last HCAC soccer game for the season!
- traintracks offfff!
- charity concerttt
- freaking graduation
- formaaaalllllllllll<3
life is gooood :).
but it's almost time to hit the books again..
behold the man upon the cross..
my sin upon his shoulders
ashamed, i hear my mocking voice
call out among the scoffers..
it was my my sin that held him there..
until it was accomplished
his dying breath has brought me life
i know that it is finished.
it wasn't the nails that held him on the cross, it was love.
true story.
Monday, August 30
life after trials;
- MY BABY CAME HOMEE:) like last monday.
- ..and am still yet to name her. but she's still sexy.
- inception raped my mind.
- i like to eat churros
- careers night & maccas ruunnn! with like 5 cars = 3 family dinner boxes, haha.
- multicultural day was epic fun, haha!
- running to maccas(LOL) too much.
- usyd open day:)
- FINALLLYY found a stupid dress for formal.
- and now we all need to lose weight, LOL.
this week!!
- school :(
- crazy hats day?
- hayfever season, time to spring clean!
- unsw open day
- hotel hopping for after afters
- formal shopping again ;D
- ..yeah i think that's it.
and maybe a bit of study, haha. time to pull up that stupid math rank!!!
farout. it's freaking horrible, lol. but everything else so far is squeezing into my goal :).
asdfghjkdfg i'd be such a screwup without you. like foreals.
you're powerful as frick!
iloveyoujc :)
Friday, August 20
Tuesday, August 17
its due date was tomorrow, so it'll probably be delivered preeetty soon. i still don't know what i should name her though, seeing as it's something that'll stick with her for the rest of her life. it's frustrating. oh yeah, and she's white.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, don't worry, i'm not pregnant. nor am i adopting a white baby.
i'll show you pictures when she gets here:)
& hopefully the pe trial paper is written by captain obvious.. oh thursday, PLEASE HURRY! so then i won't be worried about losing my brain cells and whatnot. woooooooh. 4 days off during exam period isn't enough D:
if i had wings i would fly
cause all that i need, You are
and if the world caved in around me,
to You i still hold in
cause You're all the i believe
You're the one that created me
Jesus, because of you,
Friday, August 13
but i'm glad(: after japEXT hsc tomorrow morning, no more 5am wake up calls to last minute cram. TIME TO SLEEEPPP!
future me can worry about japext written. oh and pe, but eh. :D
back to pretty little liars, HAH.
farooouuuuutttt, ILOVEYOU! you're so amazing, like foreals.
the Lord is our kingggg, it is He who will save us♥
---isaiah 33:22
Wednesday, August 11
i can breathe!
like, what i freaking don't understand.
that after doing six exams in three days...
why the heck is my brain still in place?!
it should've exploded into tiny bits of moosh by now, hah.
anyway, YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS ---- literally the most painful three days throughout all of year 12, done:)
that's all i had to say, kinda. i can actually breathe for a bit, cause tomorrow is exam-freeee!
eight down, four to go.
maths extension next up, hahahaha. this should be fun.
i love how You're just always.. there. :D
sometimes, we just gotta worship wet.
ilyjc! (:
Sunday, August 8
the most fun part of hsc is already over :(|
but that was nothing.
english papers 1&2, jap ext speaking, chemistry, 2u math, and japcont exams IN THE NEXT THREE DAYSSSSSSSS.
will literally be the worst three days of my entire life. the actual HSC will be so much easier than this. but s'all good. cause after trials, everything will be easy sailing :)
i have like 2-3 hours each subject to prove that i ain't an idiot. YAY!
ilysomuch. likezomg. You're the only one who gives me peace in my heart, who can sleep during the heaviest of storms, and who will be there for the rest of eternity :)
ILYJC, sounbelievablymuch.
Thursday, August 5
board of studies,
most people only have 6 exams in total. IT'S NOT NORMAL TO HAVE TWELVE EXAMS IN 14 DAYS.
but s'all good. i have Him on my side, yohohohooo!
Wednesday, August 4
i have no title.
i'm sorry. i know i always have so much to tell you, but my life is slowing being eaten up by textbooks and word documents. and studying another language too much that my brain starts to think in it. it's horrible.
i have no more pictures for you. because all i take pictures of on my phone are bits of textbook, notes, diagrams, notes, chemistry pracs, and some more notes. i can't draw anything either, except galvanic and electrolytic cells. and maybe like.. a parabola. LOL 8)
post-it notes seem to be eating up my room too. i can see at least like 50 of those yellow squares just in my peripherals HAHAHAH. and there are so many little pieces of paper with industrial chem scribbles everywhere, it hurts my eyes. my desk can't seem to breathe much anymore.
my brain is now trained to regurgitate solvay process equations, freaking japanese senior structures, super lame PE acronyms and what doctor Frankie & harrison ford running blades (LOLwhutt?!) have in common. it's boring. but s'all good.
tomorrow's the last day of school for two weeks. & after that, there's only four weeks of high school. ):
trials starting friday. it's time to shine.
(note to self: go buy some glitter pens just for your exams. LOLLL)
ps. sheldon, please don't be angry at me if i betray you for tumblr? thanks.
man. i FREAKING need you right now. like so FREAKING much.
but it's cool, cause You're right here :)
ILYYYYYjc. like.. freaking.
Thursday, July 29
Monday, July 19
ready or not,
Friday, July 16
Tuesday, July 13
it's been so epic! ohmy. to the extent that i don't want to blog about it cause it won't sound as epic as it was.. but it was.
mon, first night of conference :)
cause all i want in this life is more of You ♥ Holy momentum! increase! blessings! supernatural power! & a lot more, i forget.

tues, 'cbz' day. i can't believe i missed ed young rap LOL ):
mark 4:35 - there was a great calm. :)
storms happen even when Jesus is in our boat.
we're going to get to the other side. 'who is this? even the wind and the waves obey him'..
'who is this, even the wind and the waves do not shake him?'
we went from sitting here on monday:

to here D: ..friggin scary.

lol, people love me:)

thurs, TDJAKESzomg :)
even though sometimes He's short on the details(LOL), God won't ever lose control of you.
all i gotta do is KEEP MY FREAKING JOYYY! as our praises go up, blessings come down :)this is my awakening.
fri, i can't believe how fast the week disappeared D:
we don't fight the devil with our hands, but on our knees in prayer. cause we're going to take everything back! the spell is broken - there's great joy in the city :)
greater things are yet to come.
i don't care what people say, freaking amazing week 8).
mon; the spirit of the lord is upon me
tue; to preach good news to the poor
wed; He has set me to heal the broken hearted thurs; to set the captives free
fri; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour--isaiah 61:1-2
so i lay me down for Kingdom come
steal all that is within me
cause all i want in this world is more of You
and the less of me it is You
increasing as i fade away
Your life for all the world to see
God it is You who breaks the chains
it is You who lights the way
everything i am cries out for You
Tuesday, July 6
this is what my camera sees.

I MISSED THE 100 day mark to blog D: but it's okay, this is just as bad.
so, where have my last 10 days or so gone to? obviously not study, or i'd be complaining about how much my brain fails to take in. here we go:)
ah, but my memory can't go that far back. so this will be a pretty fail post.
lastlast friday; dui's 18thhh.

wednesday; jewish museum excursion with just our english class, hah :)

thursday; TOY STORY THREEEEE! omygosh best movie eeever. despite the extremely creepy baby, faroutttt..
friday youthh; fruit salad, yummy yummy :D
saturday; mexicannn!! & CHUUURRROOOSS! okay. i think i will have to dedicate a post JUST for sunday(s). because they have been so epic, for some weird reason. hah. i love youse hcackids, you make my week. :)
monday; HBD KATHERINE! badminton, yumcha etc. and hillsong conference :DDDDDDD
the whole acer arena was filled practically 20 minutes after the gates opened, and there were so many people outside still waiting that couldn't get in. MAN, it was crazy. but more on conference when the week has finished! MOMENTUMMMM.
i love the way that you just come into people's hearts and consumes their lives. & seeing all that amazing stuff happen in just one night, is just.. dkfjghwow. You are so real.
i'm running to your arms..
Wednesday, June 30

i'm still waiting for my english related text to finish downloading. but it's already taken one hour to reach 67%, stupid internet. & i've been reading all my old posts from ages ago, hah. my posts have gone from whinging about year 11 and how useless it actually is, to.. well this stuff. i don't even know what to call it. nothing much interesting happens to me, except when i rage about the little sad things that consume my brain. it's called HSC.
but i shall make an effort today :). i really have no idea why after all this time, and at this ridiculous hour in the mornin'. honestly, i don't know why i'm so ninja at avoiding doing ANY school work, hah.
sorry, i lie. i can't be bothered to put in effort into this. go read someone else's, LOL.
-------------♥sometimes i don't understand why people search all their lives for a meaning or ideology so complicated and difficult to achieve, when there is an incredibly amazing God upstairs just waiting for His children to return to him? people are constantly looking for scientific proof, miracles and whatnot to verify what other people believe. but where's the faith in that? are we a generation so hopeless with such a diminished faith? it's crazy.
we don't need proof. not because we don't believe, but because we live it. in our own lives. personally. He gives us an experience so real whether it's through his word, his signs or other brothers&sisters, it's HARD to doubt His existence. the spiritual connection between us & God isn't just like victor frankenstein & his monster (LOOL), but it's an everlasting relationship between a father& his children, so full of love that we cannot even begin to understand.
it's incredible. that such an indescribable God would love me. something so insignificant, smaller than the one gazillionth of an atom in comparison to Him. GOD IS FREEEAKING MASSIVEEE! just look at the universe, and how huge it is. we might think that He's the size of that, times infinity to the power of infinity. yet we are still underestimating him! BY LIGHTYEARS. ohmy, i could go on for ages about how big he is.
asdfghk. i'm mindblowing my own mind, HAHAHAHA. but foreals. who needs worldly evidence? i know You're real.
because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. --john 20:29
Thursday, June 24
uh oh.

111 days, 02 hours, 52 minutes & 32 seconds until HSC 2010.
and you still don't know how to study effectively, you idiot!
get a gluestick and glue your face to a textbook. you don't have that much time to screw around all day!! worldcup will be back on in 4 years, but you'll never do your hsc again LOL.
say goodbye to your 99atar, loser.
& open your eyes, hah.
but it's okay. i know You're still here :)
those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. they will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. --isaiah 40:31
Monday, June 21
i just had to post.
portugal vs north korea
just when nba finals finish, worldcup starts. SUPER perfect timing :D
and say hello to new ugly layout :)
as a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.
--psalm 103:13
it's okay north koreans, He still loves youse to bits. HAHAHAHHAHA
Sunday, June 20

sunday. hcac soccer game against cpc WOOOOOOOOOO!
mondaymornin'. okay, i don't think that picture from my last post was NEARLY as embarrassing as the way the suckeroos played their first match against germany HAHAHAHA. sleeping two hours just to wake up at 4am to watch such a painful game LOL.
game#1; australia vs. germany - everyone so stoned in the morning.
FREAKING FAIL MEXICAN REFS. sif give cahill a red card, omyfridge.
then watched game 5 replay of nba finals haha. just because it was aired on with awesome timing. celtics ftw! :D
& morning maccas run! and desperate need of coffee & mother.
monday. lazer tag woooo. maybe both coffee & mother was a tad too much caffiene..
stillmonday. went out to walk a dog! but not just some random dog, this dog hasn't been outside its house for SIX YEARSLOL. how can you not walk your dog for six years?! hahaha. it bit me -_-
trying to lock the dog in a playground, greenway, cbz'ing & subway cookies with my exercise buddy. how ironic.
tuesday..period 2?. beam's fatass 9kg sausagedog HAHAHA!! and her legs are like 2cm away from the ground.
& finally satisfied the migoreng craving i've had since like a month ago D:
thursday. dinner in the city! way too much food for this week already.
friday.. why does every team seem to be doing so badly?!
from a 13 point lead to 4 point loss. OMGSKDJGHSKJGHSDKFJHSfridge :(
ihateyoudamnlakers ):
saturday. baanddd! surprise attack with anti-natasha & fail porcupine-looking kimchi bread as a birthday cake LOL. then japan vs netherlands!! lol at nakamura and samurai tulio guy HAHA!
sundaymooornin'. OHMY, i'm still so angry.
game#2; australia vs. ghana - fail photo. this game wasn't as painful, thankfully. BUT ASIF ANOTHER RED CARD TO KEWELL FAROUTTTT. AGHHHHH. australia's best two players got redcarded out -_-. FREAKING ITALIANS AND MEXICANS, why do people hate australia!?
sunday. HCAC soccer game with northside!!! you boys did awesome (Y)!
and for this week: dui, catrina, melll, rachel, natasha, timk! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELIES!
alright i'm done. i'm a bit cbz, and a bit angry. maybe a bit too much worldcup and nba this week. lolBYE!
hahahha, even though we get so caught up with stupid things like worldcup or nba, getting angry over redcards and kobe'sfreethrows, at the end of the day - You're all that matters.
Monday, June 14
Saturday, June 12
awesome creator :)

(just score like at least 2 goals or something, then i'd be proud) but for now, 2-0 KOLEHA wooo!
& since beginning of june:
stoong, jono, cherry, helen, dad, rachwang, ela, li; happy birthday! i love youse :)
the heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge
psalm 19:1-2
ilyjc! more and more everyday :)
Monday, June 7
i am small.

以賽亞書/isaiah 40:26 --
你們向上舉目, 看誰創造這萬象, 按數目領出, 他一一稱其名; 因他的權能, 又因他的大能大力, 連一個都不缺。
so there's this guy i know. He knows every single little thing about me. down to the number of brain cells i've lost, the hairs on my head, how many times my muscle's twitched (since friday D:), or how many MANY's i could think of..
He knows EVERYthing about me. but not just everything about ME, He knows each and EVERYthing.. about YOU, and 6,000,000,000 other people.
He knows EVERYthing about 6billion people. but not just everything about those people, He knows each and EVERYthing about EVERY single animal and living thing. He knows about EVERY leaf of EVERY tree, EVERY organism in EVERY sea (HAHA what an awesome rhyme.)
but that's not all. He knows EVERYthing about how the world came to be, EVERY single detail on EVERY planet, EVERY gas giant in EVERY galaxy..
He hung EVERY star in the skies one by one - and calls them name by name.
He designed EVERY cell in our bodies one by one - and calls us name by name. but that's not all..
no matter how big we imagine Him to be, we seem to underestimate Him. He is so big, so incredible, so indescribable - that it goes WAAAAYY beyond our comprehension.
yet He just.. loves me.
Wednesday, June 2
welcome back, winter.
Monday, May 31
autumn, you've been too cold.

winter tomorrow!
and it's week 7 already!
4 weeks left of term 3,
6 weeks left til englishzomg.
8 weeks left til trials
8/9 weeks left til japspeaking HSC.
how exciting.
ohgosh, where did my last six months disappear to?
high school, as much as i hate you right now, i will miss you. like fridge, i will.
note to self:
stop cbz'ing, bbz. kay?
even though my storm in that stupid personality test destroys everything in my imagination, i know You'll be the one who saves me :D
ilyjc :)
Monday, May 24

note(s) to self:
how many times do i have to tell you that STRESS IS BAD FOR YOUR SKIN! :(
and i don't think you want to look like a panda, so calm your freaking farm. you do so much better when you don't stress -_-
but don't be like absolutely stress-free/cbz, or you'll be stupid and lose a mark for drawing that line through the electrode in chem exam again. or count the wrong number of oxygens in an ester. okay?
and you don't have that much time left! at least not enough for you to be screwing around everyday. try study at LEAST one hour a day kay? (shut up about how little i study people, this is a note to self - not you! lol.)
& when you feel crap again, all you have to do is trust Him. that's it. :)
just 6 months. and it's all over.
chains be broken
lives be healed
eyes be opened
Christ is revealed!
you, my brothers, were called to be free. but do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love
--galatians 5:13
Thursday, May 20
bad timing.

oh dear. WHY OH WHY, would i choose a time like this to blog?
i don't know, maybe it's because i don't care about pdhpe enough. which is quite a worry, since our last exam before trials is what, tomorrow morning?
well, hello hello. it has been.. a while. but i think my definition of 'while' has stretched aye. i don't know why i'm talking in weird english, i feel weird. soz for ditching you Sheldon, but i obviously don't think about you enough to care either, eh.
one. I CAN'T BELIEVE CLEVELAND LOST TO BOSTON 4-2 OMGAHHHHHHH. WHAT THE HECK. that's messed up. so now both cleveland and oklahoma are out of playoffs :(. i don't care who wins anymore.
two. jeff's 18th! a few weeks ago? it was epiccccc hah.

three. HSC IS IN TWENTY WEEKS ; TRIALS IN TEN(ish) ; ASSESSMENTS (pre-trials?) LIKE.. NOW ! freaking get off this blog and start studying you idiot.
four. 300 cths kids went to macq uni for careers expo. so did like baulko, normo, pink elephants (LOL jks.), loreto, riverside etc. but we're more awesome. :)
i feel nostalgic already. i don't know if i even used that word correctly. but seeing everyone making decisions and whatnot about their future, really means that high school's almost done and gone. that's sad :(
BUT! in the near future when we grow up, we will have GP's, pyschos, physios, wedding planners, radiographers, fashion designers, nutritionists, photographers, nurses and SO MUCH MORE - just from our little asian group :) well, maybe not little. i love youse :)

five. MY ATAR ESTIMATE! i wasn't going to ask for it, but there's no harm in getting it right? i'm happy :)
six. athletics carnival theme: CIRCUS? whut the. maybe i should be an elephant. LOL
seven. wow this post is getting long. and i think i forgot about a lot of stuff i was planning to write about already. i should do my english essay, maybe. Dr Frankie & Harrison Ford need your attention!
eight. 'thing' number seven wasn't really a thing. that's probably why this post is getting long. but, AS OF NOW i have a new new years resolution LOL. well, half yearly resolution.. for the rest of the year? eh. YEAH - stupid math ranks are ruining my life atm. so as long as you get maths near all your other ranks, i will not come back from the future to kick you. okay? or i will really kick you.
nine. OH, i have a new friend! his name is Ben. he sits next to my computer screen all day absorbing CO2 and releasing more air for me to breathe. Ben doesn't really like to be touched though, he pokes you with all the spikes on his body. oh, and he has a twin! his name is Bill. he sits next to jane's computer screen in the room next to Ben's. Bill & Ben, the flowerpot men. HAHAHAH!
ten. little boys waiting in line to play handball. hah, i love you speds :)
ALRIGHTIE, i think that's all for now. this has been such a waste of time. here, have a dose of youtube.
aaaaahhahahahahahahahhhhahaha, it's funny.
there's so many ways to love youu
this is a tad old now but OMY-ILOVEYOUAJ :)
ohyay :)
In the beginning, God created us in his image, but we've been creating God in our image ever since. That's not necessarily bad, because it helps us get our arms around something so big that otherwise we couldn't grasp it..
we tend to think of God in four-dimensional terms because that's all we have ever known. We cannot conceive of anything beyond our four dimensions of space and time, so what we do is project our four dimensions of space-time limitations on God, and what we end up with is a God who is a little bigger, a little better, a little stronger, and a little wiser than we are. We end up with a God who is a super sized version of ourselves. We think that God's power is slightly more powerful than the most powerful thing we can imagine. We think of God's grace as slightly more gracious than the most gracious thing we can imagine. We think of God's wisdom as slightly wiser than the wisest person we've ever known.
The problem with thinking of God this way is that it makes God too small. And when we have a small god, we don't expect him to do big things. Paul's image of God is correct: "God is incomparably great." There is simply no comparison when it comes to describing God.
- Mark Batterson.